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Here's What's hOpPeNiNg in April!

Hello everyone!

Beginning this April, we'll be offering a more standardized schedule so you'll know more or less what to expect.

Every month, we'll be adding at least one software-related tutorial, which covers any one of the major stop motion apps such as Dragonframe, Photoshop, Premiere, and After Effects.

Apart from software tutorials, we'll continue teaching you the traditional stop motion techniques necessary to expand your skillset.

And in the last week of every month, we'll introduce a new creative experiment to help you explore other artistic possibilities beyond traditional stop motion.

Here are all the projects you can expect this month:

  • Create Smooth Stop Motion using the Increment Editor

  • Build a DIY animation rig

  • Animate with paper cutouts

  • Creative Experiments: Stop Animation with Film Cameras

Launching the new section Creative Experiments inspired us to think outside the box and try out unconventional animation techniques.

This April, we're particularly excited to try creating stop motion with a 35mm film camera instead of our digital cameras! We know you're curious to see what the result looks like, so watch out for it in the last week of April!

So what else can you expect this April?

Ambient Sounds!

Last month, we updated our sound library and included 8-bit game sound effects. We're working on adding ambient sounds from rain to urban noise that you can use for your personal projects.

Monthly inspo!

As creatives, we all have this habit of scouring the internet for fantastic stop motion work. This month, we'll start including a monthly list of animated clips from other people that might inspire you to try new ideas!


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